A resourceful meeting in the treasure city of Mantua
The 4th Transnational Partner Meeting of the “IPAL project: Improving Instructional Practices in Adult Learning and Supporting Adults Trainers’ Professional Development” was successfully conducted over the course of two beautiful days in the small treasure city of Mantua, North Italy.
The first day of the meeting consisted of a discussion over the positive feedback, received by the Spanish national agency SEPIE, on the Interim Evaluation Report for the project’s progress, followed by a detailed review of the results and next steps for the second intellectual output of the project.
The second day of the meeting focused more on the third intellectual output of the project, the dissemination and the possible improvement measures.
First in order, was noted the success of the first intellectual output of the project. The output was carried out in accordance with the established deadlines, and in line with the objectives of the project. It was also noted that the development of the second and third intellectual outputs was also within the proposed deadlines.
However, the successful development of the outputs is not in isolation. The dissemination of all endeavours follows a well-organised mix of sharing across social media platforms and the partners’ own networks.
Similarly to the dissemination plan, the project activities are planned and carried out correctly. Everything is performed in accordance with the necessary pandemic measures and the participants remain confident that the project will achieve its objectives effectively. That said, more information about the development, implementation and results of the project is one of the general comments that partners shared and agreed upon as room for improvement.
Not all project participants were able to join the meeting. However, in addition to the established agenda, the partners took some extra time to contact online some of those missing major contributors to the project and share the positive experience with them, even if for a brief moment.
Inspired by the work done, the tasks to come and the sun as a herald of the project’s future, the meeting was concluded.
Our next translational project meeting is planned to be held in June 2022, hosted by the IPAL coordinator Tribeka Training Lab in Malaga.