Pilot testing and multiplier events in Italy!

Promimpresa, the IO2 lead partner of the IPAL project, conducted the piloting and multiplier event of the IPAL project in Italy.
The piloting was held at two different times and places with the purpose of extending testing and feedback gathering but also with the intent of disseminating the project materials to different geographical areas.

The first piloting was held in Palermo on the 17th June. 20 teachers, trainers, adult educators and training tutors were involved and the lecturer was Anna Bellan, project manager of Promimpresa’s European Projects Department. Anna Bellan said that “all participants were very interested from the beginning in the project and the activities and materials proposed by the project. The workshop was interactive and full of input from the participants themselves both on the applicability of the proposed materials and on how to improve the content even more.

The second piloting was held in Mantova on 18th June. 20 participants were involved and the lecturer was Anna Zippa, supported by Promimpresa project manager Jasmine Gatti. “We brought a fresh perspective to the important topic of Continuing Professional Development for adult educators. The event was also attended by teachers from Higher Secondary Schools, demonstrating that the topic covered by IPAL is also of interest to complementary target groups” said JasmineGatti at the of the event.

The modules tested during the two events have been:

  • Training through the flipped classroom approach
  • Project-based learning
  • Techniques for stimulating the logical thinking, imagination and memory of adult learners, including through visual tools and special memorizing techniques
  • Effective techniques for communication and work with parents and family members of adult learners
  • Applying creativity techniques in adult education
  • Using interactive (online and digital) resources, e-learning tools and social media in adult education; ICT-based tutoring services, pedagogies and practices
  • Monitoring adult learners’ performance
  • Culturally responsive teaching techniques
The most appreciated has been the ” Culturally responsive teaching techniques”. “The material and hands-on activities allow work on the borderline between the professional and personal spheres, so the activity was the most “heartfelt.
What matters for a good trainer is to be able to stay on this boundary and not to overdo it toward the personal part, which might be unpleasant for some, but neither toward the uniquely professional part, with the risk of being aseptic” said Anna Zippa during the training, while she was giving tips to the participants about how to recreate the practical activity with Adult Learners.
The only flaw? That the event ended too quickly!